Mulch calculator Don’t have time to do calculations? Just call, or visit our Contact page! Calculate how much mulch you need here: Step 1: Choose How Many Areas You Need Covered Number of Rectangle Areas Please enter a number from 0 to 20 Number of Circle Areas Please enter a number from 0 to 20 Rectangle Areas Width Length Area (sq.ft) Width Length Area (sq.ft) Width Length Area (sq.ft) Width Length Area (sq.ft) Width Length Area (sq.ft) Width Length Area (sq.ft) Width Length Area (sq.ft) Width Length Area (sq.ft) Width Length Area (sq.ft) Width Length Area (sq.ft) Width Length Area (sq.ft) Width Length Area (sq.ft) Width Length Area (sq.ft) Width Length Area (sq.ft) Width Length Area (sq.ft) Width Length Area (sq.ft) Width Length Area (sq.ft) Width Length Area (sq.ft) Width Length Area (sq.ft) Width Length Area (sq.ft) Circle Areas Diameter (ft) Area (sq. ft) Diameter (ft) Area (sq. ft) Diameter (ft) Area (sq. ft) Diameter (ft) Area (sq. ft) Diameter (ft) Area (sq. ft) Diameter (ft) Area (sq. ft) Diameter (ft) Area (sq. ft) Diameter (ft) Area (sq. ft) Diameter (ft) Area (sq. ft) Diameter (ft) Area (sq. ft) Diameter (ft) Area (sq. ft) Diameter (ft) Area (sq. ft) Diameter (ft) Area (sq. ft) Diameter (ft) Area (sq. ft) Diameter (ft) Area (sq. ft) Diameter (ft) Area (sq. ft) Diameter (ft) Area (sq. ft) Diameter (ft) Area (sq. ft) Diameter (ft) Area (sq. ft) Diameter (ft) Area (sq. ft) Step 2: How thick would you like the mulch to be? Depth (inches) Totals Total area (sq. ft) Product required (cubic yards) Suggested order (full cubic yards) If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ